Current trends

Here we give space to prominent astrologers talking about current trends, what to expect and what to be cautious of.

Pluto in Aquarius: Era since November 20, 2024

Very soon Pluto will move into Aquarius permanently to bring a lot of changes to mankind and stay there until 2044, but what does it bring us?

Higher Planets relationship in 2024-2029

Higher Planets such as Pluto (deep transformations), Neptune (beliefs and illusions) and Uranus (trends and occurrences) that are determining global trends will be in harmonious positive connections with one another - should we be hopeful?

Winter 2025

Let's explore trends and tendencies of this winter: do we face something to be cautious of or look forward to ?

Retrograde Movement: what does it mean?

No one is going backwards, in fact it is just how we see planetary movements from the Earth

Mars Retrograde

It happens once in 2 years and we are facing this period again in December 2024 again

Weekly forecasts

My very respected teacher, former astrologer of Madonna, Terrence Guardino presents current trends week by week