In the dynamic landscape of e-commerce, success stories and cautionary tales abound. Zulily, once hailed as a rising star in the online retail realm, has recently faced challenges that ultimately led to its decline and shut down of their sales. We were interested to see if their Chart showed any signs of what has happened. Just by looking at it we had a suspicion that an astrologer participated in choosing the date of its registration: the Sun is at the top point on the Chart, right on MC (top of the Chart) implying business success, unique role and public recognition. The day chosen is also out of any Moon Void of Course risks which also ads to an astrologer’s involvement idea. However, given current situation that astrologer made a number of oversights when offering a date for this business registration. Let’s list the most obvious ones:
the Sun is on MC in opposition (aspect of loss) to Asteroid Fortune implying loss of fortune;
strong Sun’s position in the chart of business is essential, but let’s consider the nature of business as well. Sales are ruled by Mercury that in conjunction with Pluto, which is in 10th House. Pluto is known for transforming the House it is located in basically leading the business from good reputation and recognition to its opposite;
another planet that needs to be looked at for similar type of business is Venus as online shop is directly connected to fashion, beauty and style. In this particular Chart Venus is combusted by the Sun and therefore can not show its best qualities;
the starting point of the Chart, Ascendant (ASC) shows how the business is viewed by the society. In this Chart ASC is ruled by Neptune, located in 12th House (House of Things We Do Not Control) in opposition (aspect of loss) to Mars;
since Mars is ruling 2nd House of Money in this Chart, this position symbolizes financial losses which we can see evidence of now.
The Sun on MC was able to outperform negative influences we have listed in the long run and Zulily is now re-opened so never underestimate the Sun on MC and always chose this position while opening your business or making any major business step! There are multiple factors to be taken into consideration when choosing a date of starting anything important. If you need help with it, contact with your details. Best of luck in all your endeavors!

Wedding Date for Prince Harry and Ms. Markle
If you are getting engaged or married, plan your job interview, application for participation in a concert or performance, exhibition or installation, have a family celebration or inviting your significant other to meet your parents for the first time, it is important to choose the best possible time available. Astrologers call specifically chosen date an elective.
Electives are primarily based on the natal chart of the person unless they moved to another location. Since each person was born under different astrological conditions, the most auspicious time to hold an event will be different for each. In order to perform this work it is important to know birth date, time and location as well as the nature of an event to be planned. If even involves more than one person, it would be beneficial to know their birth details too, like in example of a wedding planning, joint business registration etc.
Elective for Queen Elizabeth II coronation on June 2, 1953 was remarkable work of Royal astrologer. Another example of solid mastership was her wedding, 70th anniversary of which Royals celebrated not long ago.
It was a little bit surprising to find out that Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding day was set as May 26, 2018 and will explain why below. I am really sympathizing with the young couple and believe if any astrologer was involved, this important date could be picked up way more thoughtful.
It was known that they had chosen a spring wedding probably because Duchess of Cambridge is expecting her third baby in April 2018 and it was important to give her some time to recover. It was not announced if this baby is due in the beginning of April as in this case end of April wedding would be still possible.
Another great option would be winter wedding in the beginning of January, astrologically it will be the best time of 2018 with no planets in Retrograde and a lot of good days. However every astrologer who performed an elective for a wedding knows that there are always some kind of limitations in any case, related to various rules:
1/. Rule#1 – check 7th House rulers (Lords of partnership) and I did.
Prince Harry has Moon in this capacity. He has Moon in Taurus so for the wedding day it is very important to place it in some favorable sign like Cancer, Taurus or Pisces. Libra will do as a second choice as Libra ruled by Venus like Taurus.
Meghan Markle has Mars as a 7th House ruler (let us not forget to recalculate her Chart for London, UK). In this case Mars should not be Retrograde so we have time only until June 26.
2/. Rule#2 – there should be no Mercury Retrograde, and there is not any during May and June.
3/. Rule#3 – waxing Moon is preferable for marriage, which leave us with May 16 to 28 and June 14 to 26.
4/. Rule#4 – Venus is extremely important for marriage and during all these days except for May 16-18 Venus will be in opposition with Saturn Retrograde.
5/. Rule #5 – there should be a “trial” of the proposed elective against individual charts of bride and groom to find some kind of compromise during these favorable days.
Now what about May 26? There is no Mercury Retrograde and Moon is waxing, but that would be all.
Now let's look at the planets on the chosen date:
1/. Mars (1) and Moon (2) are in difficult relationship (square), this thing alone is a no-no for weddings
2/. Venus (3) is in Cancer but is also in opposition with Saturn Retrograde (4)
3/. Chart has 3 oppositions (4 if North Node considered) and because all important planets (Moon, Venus, Mars) for this wedding are involved in oppositions this time would not be considered as ideal.
4/. Moon is Void of Course…which is normally avoided as on Void of Course Moon it is considered nothing good would come out of the undertaking.
P.S. On December 15, 2017 it was announced that the wedding will take place on May 19, 2018. Moon is now not void of course but depending on the time of wedding Moon (ruler of Prince Harry’s 7th House of Partnership) could be in difficult relationship (opposition) with Mars (ruler of Meghan Markle’s 7th House). Wedding should be started not later than 11 a.m.

Case of Naya Rivera
Its been several years since tragic death of young, beautiful and talented Naya Rivera. Let's look at her Chart on her tragic date and see what this planet combination can teach us.
First of all - what stands out here? Heavily loaded 8th House! For someone who does not work for a bank, investment company, not a Police officer or emergency responder it is the first sign of imminent danger. The more loaded 8th House of danger is, the more aspects those planets receive from other planets, including those related to vitality Houses like 1st and 10th.
1st House ruler, Mercury is already making the first connection as it is located in the 8th House. There is a conjunction between Sun and Mercury on her Local Chart (inner circle) and planets transiting 8th House - Pluto Retrograde and Jupiter Retrograde. Three connections and full formula of danger is there.
From secondary sign transiting Mercury Retrograde was in conjunction with Lilith (Black Moon). Transiting planets for the specific Chart still keeping the rolers they have in Natal or Local Chart, so even in transits Mercury Retrograde it is connected to the 1st House and Lilith is always an element of 8th House.
Another secondary sign was transiting Lilith conjuncts North Node. As North Node is believed to be karmic, connected to life purpose, it was a very strong warning.
What has happened? 8th House is ruled by Saturn, so even though we know that she drowned, there must be some kind of situation causing that sad outcome. With people having Sun connected to 8th House, heart attack is never off the table. Death wise Saturn can be related to illness though not sudden one or falling/hitting an object.
Could Naya have avoided that? Absolutely, had she changed her location for couple of years, she would not be in such imminent risk.
Want to learn and practice Formula of Danger yourself? This book will train you.
Interested in planetary analysis and tips by astrologer and book author Luena Horowitz? Here they are.
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Case of Liam Payne
Popular British singer Liam Payne, former member of boys band "One Direction", died on October 16, 2024 at the age of 31 falling from his hotel balcony in Buenos Aires, Argentina. There is a number of unclear circumstances and theories surrounding this suspicious death which resulted in the hotel being raided by the Buenos Aires police.
While investigation is trying to establish who and how contributed to the accident, let's look at questions every astrologer would ask in the circumstances: was it preventable, what planetary influences might have been playing an unfortunate role here.
First of all, let's look at the birth Chart of Liam (Chart #1) with Mercury in Virgo conjuncting Sun almost at MC, highest point of the Chart, symbolizing career/popularity. If this Chart is recalculated on London, UK, this conjunction with MC will be exact, promising successfully fulfilling life purpose. Mercury in Virgo is very strong however for prominent voice one would need a prominent Mars too. In this Chart Mars is in Libra in conjunction with Jupiter that makes Mars times more powerful. Since Mars and Jupiter are in 11th house of the Chart, group of people/association/band would be likely the setting where Liam could use his voice and we know that it happened exactly like that. If I were advising him on his career, my suggestion would be to continue building his career in London.
Unfortunately Liam made a decision to go to Argentina and his Chart recalculated on Buenos Aires looked differently. All the planets discussed above are now associated with 12 House of things that can not be controlled by the Chart owner. (Chart #2). To add to that both 1st House of personality and 8th House of Danger are now connected by rulership of the same planet - Venus. That would be the first sign of potential danger but not the only one.
Now let's see what transits (planetary influences) were in place for Liam's Chart on October 16, 2024 in Buenos Aires (Chart #3). For full formula of danger there should be three afflictions by the planets and Lilith which are elements of the 8th House to the elements of the 1st and the 10th Houses.
For this analysis let's identify those elements.
Elements of the 8th House: Venus in 10th House and Mercury in 12th House (rulers), Uranus Retrograde (transiting planet), Lilith (transiting point) in 12th House. We note that 8th House shows one connection with 10 House already which would be the 2nd affliction.
Elements of the 1st House - Venus (in 10th House), also ruler of the 8th House representing affliction we have already taken into consideration; Mercury, second ruler of the 8th House is transiting 1st House; transiting Sun in Libra and Pluto, second ruler of the 1st House in opposition with Uranus retrograde in the 8th House representing the 3rd affliction. Also there is a square between Venus of his relocation Chart that is now in 10th House and Mercury, transiting the 1st House so we can reliably conclude that there were more than 3 connections needed for complete formula of Danger and his life was in fact in danger.
Rest in peace, Liam!