Numerology method Matrix of Destiny
The Matrix of Destiny is a system of divination based on the concept of a matrix or grid that represents the different aspects of an individual’s life. It is a tool used to gain insights into a person’s personality traits, talents, and life patterns. Here’s how the Matrix of Destiny can help with the discovery of personal traits and talents:
Personal Matrix: The Matrix of Destiny assigns specific numbers to various aspects of an individual’s life, such as their birth date, birth name, and current name. These numbers are then placed in a grid, creating a personal matrix that reflects the different facets of their life. By analyzing the numbers within the matrix, patterns and insights can be revealed.
Numerological Analysis: Each number in the Matrix of Destiny has its own significance and represents specific qualities and potentials. Through numerological analysis, the system can help identify the inherent strengths, weaknesses, and personality traits associated with each number in the matrix. This can provide a deeper understanding of one’s personal traits and talents.
Life Patterns: The Matrix of Destiny can reveal patterns and cycles in a person’s life. By examining the numbers and their placements within the matrix, it becomes possible to identify recurring themes, challenges, and opportunities that influence personal growth and development. This awareness can assist individuals in recognizing their life patterns and making conscious choices to optimize their potential.
Talents and Abilities: The Matrix of Destiny can shed light on a person’s inherent talents and abilities. Certain numbers within the matrix may indicate specific aptitudes or areas of expertise. By identifying these numerical patterns, individuals can gain insights into their natural gifts and focus on nurturing and developing those talents further.
Self-Discovery and Personal Growth: The Matrix of Destiny serves as a tool for self-discovery and personal growth. By delving into the patterns and insights offered by the matrix, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their life purpose, and their potential. This knowledge can be empowering, allowing them to make conscious choices, embrace their strengths, and work on areas of growth.
Decision-Making and Life Path: The Matrix of Destiny can provide guidance for decision-making and choosing the right path in life. By understanding the numerical influences within the matrix, individuals can make informed choices that align with their authentic selves and maximize their potential for success and fulfillment.
Ultimately, the system can be used as a tool for self-reflection and gaining deeper insights into personal traits, talents, and life patterns, supporting individuals on their journey of self-discovery and personal growth along with astrology or separately.
The Matrix of Destiny analysis and Tarot reading are two different approaches to gaining insights and guidance, each with its own unique characteristics. With The Matrix of Destiny numbers in Matrix are defined by date of birth and are interpreted through Major Arcana or Archetypes characteristics while Tarot readings are relying on interpretation of cards that were pulled randomly.
Matrix consists of Matrix itself and Health card that combined colored positions to provide characteristics of charkas.

In Matrix position A is called Identity Card which shows how the Owner of Matrix appears to society. it is believed that this energy is likely to be in positive. Position A is date of birth if this number is equal or below 22 and sum of two numbers if more than 22 as we have only 22 arcana for interpretation. For example if Owner of Matrix was born of 25th, their number in position A will equal 2+5=7
So, if we need to identify the most resourceful energy of their Matrix we review positive characteristics of Arcana 7 (The Chariot). In some cases negative characteristics are more resonating with how Owner feels about themselves but in any case this resource is readily available.
Position B identifies their talent, some practitioners would described it as Higher Self or Guardian Angel. This energy is also readily available in most cases. This number comes from the month of birth.
Position C shows material karma or goal they have to accomplish in material world and it comes from adding all numbers in the year of birth. Again, if that number smaller or equals 22, it is left as it is, if higher – two numbers are added again. Most of the time the Arcana representing this position is shown in their negative and creates challenges.
Position D represents raw karma as something Owner of Matrix should be very attentive to as mistakes in this area will have severe consequences. Some practitioners refer to karma from past life but if you just treat it as general warning, it will serve you well in this capacity. Arcana representing this position is shown in their negative and creates recurring issues.
Position E represents zone of comfort, energy where Owner of Matrix is very comfortable in. Staying there brings peace and joy which is very important for overall health.
All other positions are calculated as the sums of neighboring numbers with the same principle of not exceeding number 22.
Diagonals show parents karmic heritage and issues coming from respective families.
In right bottom zone of karma there is a group of positions X, which represents so called quick fixes. Position X is a go-to energy that helps resolving any issue. Position X2 shows how to resolve financial issues. Position X1 gives a description of a desired partner and key to resolving partnership problems as positive side of this arcana.
In its complete form Matrix core is surrounded by numbers representing years of life and showing the leading energy of each year. As always, the goal is to have this energy in its positive side. People who surpassed their 80 years are starting the circle again.
Two positions with the same color and their sum are forming characteristics of a chakra in Health Card. In the Matrix of Destiny interpretation three numbers are often forming so called formulas and show certain pattern of behavior or circumstances in Owner’s life.
Although Matrix is based on just one date it provides a lot of information as to what energies and tendencies Owner is very likely to experience in their life.
The Matrix of Destiny can also be calculated for a couple or any two people by basically adding all their individual numbers which provides a valuable insight on their relationships strengths and risks.
Rarely Matrix comes as consisting from numbers 9 and 18 only. It is called closed Matrix and believed to be prohibited from interpretation. Spiritual meaning of closed Matrix is that only its Owner can find their talents and ways to overcome their challenges. No one else can see or interpret what is given to them by virtue of being born on a certain date.
Basic idea of the Matrix of Destiny is to recognize being in negative and find ways to flip what is given to you to positive, i.e. making the best possible choices and outcomes.